Do you struggle with anxiety, stress and overwhelm? Does it feel like you never have enough time to get things done? Mindfulness can help!!
Our six week Mindfulness program is for Adults who are wanting to learn a new approach to managing life’s stressors and symptoms of anxiety, overwhelm and more.
6 Week Course price:
$80 for the six weeks and is now offered in person. NDIS participants who are self managed or plan managed are able to use funding to access this program.
Where: Sully & Sage Wellness Collective, 6/34 Baynes street, Margate.22nd
Next course starts:
Monday 22nd July 2024 - 12pm - 1pm
Wednesday 24th July 2024 - 6pm - 7pm
What's included:
Our Mindfulness program incorporates the principals of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to provide a framework for living a calm mindful life.
Our Mindfulness Program is delivered online over six weeks. Each session is approximately 60-75 minutes in duration. These sessions are recorded so if you can’t make it to the live class you will be given access to the recording.
Each participant receives a comprehensive 100 page PDF workbook that can be download to accompany the program. The workbook is both informative and interactive with loads of activities and strategies designed to help you establish a mindful life.

What you will need:
You will need an internet connection for your computer or device and a comfortable place to be for approximately 1 hour each week. There are some short meditations throughout the course so make sure you are in a place that you feel safe and can get comfy!
Program outline:
Week one:
We will be begin our Mindfulness program by exploring the origins of Mindfulness and some of the different types of Mindfulness. We will learn about stress and what it does to the body and then explore the benefits of Mindfulness for reducing stress and increasing happiness!

Week two:
Here we will take a look at the breath and the mind!
When we feel anxious or overwhelmed, we tend to take shallow breaths. This happens because our body is reacting to stress. The breath is a powerful and important toll that can help us feel calmer and more in control. This week we will learn breathing strategies and techniques that you can use in your everyday life.
Wise mind means being able to use both reason and emotion when making decisions. Reasonable mind means making decisions based on facts and logic only while emotion mind means using emotions as a guide for decision-making. This week we will also learn how the breath and mindful living can be used to access wise mind when ever you need it!
Week Three:
What do mindful people do?
Mindfulness encourages you to “stay in the present moment” with awareness of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours – without Judgment! This concept is foundational to Mindfulness, one of the principles we teach. This Mindfulness module incorporates the “What” skill of Observe, Describe, and Participate.
The mindfulness “what” skills are about what to do: “observe,” “describe,” and “participate”. The ultimate goal of mindfulness skills practice is to develop a lifestyle of participating with awareness. Participation without awareness is a characteristic of impulsive and mood-dependent behaviours. Generally, paying special attention to observing and describing one’s own behavioural responses is only necessary when one is learning new behaviours. Very quickly, these new behaviours will become your normal, everyday life!

Week four:
How to be mindful!
This module teaches us the ‘How’ skills of living mindfully - Non-judgmentally, One-mindfully and effectively.
You will learn strategies and techniques to approach life without judgement and how to be more effective in your own life.

Week five:
Gratitude and growth mindset!
Gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.
A growth mindset means that you are comfortable with challenge, and don't see failure as a way to describe yourself but as a springboard for growth and developing your abilities. Your intelligence and talents are all susceptible to growth.
Week six:
Values! Living into our values means that we do more than profess our values, we practice them. We walk our talk—we are clear about what we believe and hold important, and we take care that our intentions, words, thoughts, and behaviours align with those beliefs.
This week we will explore what values we truely hold and how to live mindfully in accordance with our values.